Creation of website how much to spend Euresa System

Website creation: how much to spend ?

Creating a website is today’Today, a website is a necessity for all companies. Indeed, a website allows a company to promote itself’increase its visibility by reaching a wider audience and to increase its visibility’It also allows a company to increase its sales’business. The creation of’A website has a cost and before embarking on such a maneuver, the majority of companies ask themselves the same question: what is the price of a website?’a website ? You also want to know how much a website costs ? Answer !

The price of a’It depends on the type of website

To know how much a website costs, it is necessary to The price of a landing page is a page that takes into account many criteria. The type of website is a necessity for all businesses today’One of the most important criteria, as the price usually varies from’one type of site to another.

The price of’a showcase site

A showcase site is a site created with the aim of to present the products and operating services’The price of a company and do’is in no way intended for online sales. The price of’The price of a showcase site generally varies from 100 to 10 000 € depending on the degree of customization you want.

The One-page site

C’is a one-page showcase site dedicated to the presentation of a product’a single product. Its price varies from 500 to 3 000 euros, or even more.

The Landing page

The Landing page is an advertising page’a website designed only to convert visitors into leads. Since’it is included in a site. However, its price can vary from €500 to €1,000.

The price of’a portal site

A portal site is a site that aims to present to Internet users a wide range of services and resources related to a given topic. To create a portal site, it is necessary to count at least 5 000 €. Prices can go up to’50 000 € according to the’importance of the project.

The price of’an e-commerce site

An e-commerce site is a site dedicated to the sale of products and services of all kinds’a company

Creating a website is nowadays’a necessity for all companies today. Indeed, a site allows a company to create a website’increase its visibility by reaching a wider audience and by increasing the number of visitors’to increase at the same time its turnover’business. The creation of a website’The more complex the structure of the website, the more expensive it will be’a website ? You also want to know how much a website costs ? Answer !

The price of’The price of a website depends on the type of website

To know how much a website costs, it is necessary to There are many criteria to take into account. The type of website is the’This is one of the most important criteria, as the price usually varies from one product to another’one type of site to another.

The price of’a showcase site

A showcase site is a site created for the purpose of to present the products and the services of a web host’a company and n’is not intended for online sales. The price of’The price of a website generally varies from 100 to 10 000 € depending on the degree of customization you want.

The One-page site

C’A portal site is a showcase site with a single page and dedicated to the presentation of your company’a single product. Its price varies from 500 to 3 000 euros, even more.

The Landing page

The Landing page is a web page that can be used to advertise your website’a website designed only to convert visitors in prospects. Since’If it is included in a site, it is quite difficult to give a fixed price. However, its price can vary from 500 to 1 000 €.

The price of’a portal site

A portal site is a site that aims to present to Internet users a very large panel of services and resources related to a given subject. To create a portal site, it is necessary to count at least 5 000 €. Prices can go up to’50 000 € depending on the type of website’importance of the project.

The price of’an e-commerce site

An e-commerce site is a site dedicated to the sale of products and services of any kind’a company. The creation of’such a site requires important resources. For a successful site, it takes at least 20 000. The prices can very quickly go up to’à 100 000 €.

Website with LMS or fully coded ?

The price of’s services can also vary depending on whether it is an e-commerce site or a business’it is’s purpose’What is the price of a website with a learning management system (LMS) or an e-commerce website?’a fully coded website. Very often, the sites with LMS are in Open Source. This means that’they are free and their the source code is accessible to all the Internet users.

However, setting up this type of website requires time and specific skills. The bill can therefore very quickly increase’to extend without the’one is’account for it. The fully coded websites have a source code that is not the same as that of the LMS’It is not accessible to everyone, but only to the owner of the site. The latter buys a license.

The price of fully coded websites is usually much higher than that of open source websites.

Other options that influence the price of a product’a website

The type of website’is not the only criterion influencing the price d’a website. D’other criteria can also intervene.

  • L’hosting : l’Hosting can influence the price of the website. Indeed, its price varies from one site to another’a host to another.
  • The engine of the website the price of’an engine varies from 0 € to 1’infinite.
  • The planning and structure of the site : c’is also a criterion not to be neglected. The more complex the structure of the site is, the higher the price will be.
  • The provider to design your site, you will need to call upon a qualified web developer. The price will vary according to’one professional to another.

The implementation of the features as well as the size of the page’Ergonomics are criteria that can also influence the price of your website.

Website with LMS or fully coded ?

The price of’a website can also vary depending on the type of business’it s’acts as’a website with a learning management system (LMS) or a web-based learning system (WMS)’a fully coded website. Very often, the sites with LMS are in Open Source. This means that’they are free and that their source code is accessible to all Internet users.

However, setting up this type of website requires time and specific skills. The invoice can therefore very quickly be paid’extend without the’on s’account for it. Fully coded websites have a source code that is not accessible to everyone’is not accessible to everyone, but only to the site owner.

The latter buys a license. The price of fully coded sites is generally much higher than that of Open Source sites.

Other options that influence the price of a website’a website

The type of site’is not the only criterion influencing the price d’a website. D’Other criteria may also come into play.

  • L’hosting : l’hosting can influence the price of the website. Indeed, its price varies from one company to another’one host to another.
  • The engine of the website The more complex the structure of the site, the higher the price will be : the price of’an engine varies from 0 € to’infinite.
  • The planning and structure of the site : c’is also a criterion not to be neglected. The more complex the structure of the site, the higher the price.
  • The provider To design your site, you will have to call upon a qualified web developer. The price will vary from’one professional to another.

The implementation of features as well as the’ergonomics are criteria that can also influence the price of your website.